COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (Maoist)  Central Committee – Press Release: Celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA!


COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (Maoist) Central Committee – Press Release: Celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA!

COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST)Central Committee - Press Release28 November, 2022Celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA!Intensify Cl

Hindistan Komünist Partisi (Maoist) MK- Enternasyonal Büro: TKP/ML’NİN 50. KURULUŞ YILI KUTLAMALARINA KIZIL SELAMLAR


Central Committee – Press Release

28 November, 2022

Celebrate the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA!

Intensify Class struggle-Guerrilla war

Defeat ‘SAMADHAN’ offensive and Advance People’s War!


On the occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA on 2nd December 2022, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) calls upon the entire ranks of the party, PLGA units, revolutionary People’s Committees, Mass Organisations and Revolutionary people to grandly elebrate in rural and urban areas all over the country with revolutionary enthusiasm. It calls upon to defeat the counter revolutionary ‘SAMADHAN’ offensive widen-intensify class struggle-guerrilla war, enhance the mass base and advance the People’s War.

On the occasion the CC conveys revolutionary greetings to the entire Party committees, Commands, PLGA Commanders-fighters, Party members, Revolutionary People’s Committees, leaders-activists of Mass Organisations, members of People’s Militia and revolutionary people and to all the comrades of political, military, organisational, technical and cultural spheres. It hopes that the comrades injured in the guerrilla actions will recover soon.

The CMC pays humble revolutionary homage to the heroic guerrillas who laid down their lives in the past one year. One hundred and thirty-two comrades became martyrs all over the country in a period of 11 months.

The central and the state governments initiated the counter-revolutionary ‘SAMADHAN’ strategic offensive in 2017 May with a time limit of 5 years to eliminate the Indian Revolutionary Movement. With the objective to defeat the offensive PLGA took up People’s War-Guerrilla War in the leadership of our Party all through this period. We cannot separate the participation of people and people’s militia in this war. The central government reviewed the offensive last September and another action plan was adopted for one year.

PLGA held nearly 200 guerrilla war operations in the various guerrilla zones, red resistance areas all over the country in the leadership of our party in a period of 11 months from 2021 December to 2022 November. Through these actions 31 police, Para-military and Commando forces were eliminated and 154 were injured. 7 modern arms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition and other war material were seized. 69 police informers, 7 political leaders of exploitive parties, 6 people’s enemies, 6 traitors were eliminated. Properties of the government and comprador bureaucratic capitalists were destroyed. PLGA forces resisted these forces in around 100 encounters.

On the whole, our PLGA forces made deliberate and opportunity ambushes, sniper actions, booby trap, remote actions, sabotage actions on the armed forces of the enemy, seized their supplies, eliminated informers, counter revolutionaries, people’s enemies, shelled the police camps with improvised artillery and dug spike holes.

There are large scale people’s struggles in Dandakaranya and Bihar-Jharkhand for the past two years against police camps, mines, roads-bridges, dams, police massacres and on the whole, against the imperialist companies, comprador bureaucratic capitalist companies, against the central and the state governments, against their local compradors and against corporatisation-militarisation. Thousands of people are mobilising in these struggles..

People are struggling against the imperialist Multi-National Companies, the domestic comprador capitalist corporate companies, the several kinds of basic infrastructure that the central and the state governments proposes to build such as roads, dams, mines, power plants in many areas of the country apart from the areas of movement. There are agitations for the release of political prisoners imprisoned in conspiracy cases such as Bhima Koregaon and to withdraw fascist Acts such as UAPA.

Solidarity movement is growing in around 30 countries against the fascist offensive of the comprador ruling classes on our party and revolutionary movement and in support of the People’s War in India in the leadership of ICSPWI.

On the whole, class struggle relatively expanded and intensified. In the process, various kinds of United forums are being formed leading to increasing participation in revolutionary movement and support from friendly forces.

The central and the state governments deployed more than six and a half-lakh police, Para-military and Commando forces in the areas of the movement. Since the beginning of 2020 to March 2021,  CRPF established 23 Forward Operational Bases (FOB) in the country and 35 from 2021 March to 2022 March. The state had been using various kinds of drones for surveillance. It is organising lumpen youth into informers in the name of employment schemes.

In the international plane, although there are slight flexibilities in the economic crisis that is going on since 2008, imperialist financial and economic crisis in intensifying. World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) stated that the world economy is going into the mire of depression. One third of the world economy is estimated to decline this year or the next year and the three biggest economies, the US, EU and China shall stagnate. Imperialist globalisation policies are leading the proletariat in capitalist-imperialist countries into daily intensifying struggles.

BJP under the leadership of Narendra Modi is making severe attempts to transform India into a ‘Hindu state’ by 2047. Revolutionary-democratic forces, oppressed classes, oppressed social communities and oppressed nationalities must take up united, organised resistance movement and people’s war. This is the foremost, utmost important, main and immediate task of the Indian people.

The coming times would witness a spate of people’s struggles in the world and the country and there shall be a third line of revolutions all over the world.

It is the responsibility of the vanguard Communist Party to politically enlighten the broad masses and intensify class struggles and guerrilla war so as to achieve state power. We shall thus defeat the counter-revolutionary ‘SAMADHAN’ offensive of the enemy and advance the revolutionary movement. We shall achieve the final victory.

On the occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of PLGA, hail the victories the PLGA in the leadership of our party gained in the past one year. Hail the invincibility of the revolutionary movement that sustained resisting the counter revolutionary ‘SAMADHAN’ offensive.



Central Committee